( see English version below )
Yucca faxoniana odolává teplotě až -20°C " The Giant White Dagger " - výška v dospělosti 6 m
Je to mohutná stromová juka, taktéž s mečovitými listy s menším počtem nažloutlých vláken. Pochází z oblastí západního Texasu - USA kolem regionu Sierra Blanca. V stáří se často větví a tvoří mohutný strom s kmenem 50 – 70 cm v průměru a rozsáhlou košatou korunou. U základny rostliny tvoří velké skupiny nových odnoží. Má krásné souměrné rozety listů. Listy jsou 85 až 140 cm dlouhé, 5 až 7,5 cm široké, bledě zelené až modrozelené, s mnoha hnědými až šedými vlákny podél okraje listů. Také velmi odolný druh vůči chladu i mrazu. Jako všechny juky vyžaduje přímé slunce, výbornou drenáž a suché stanoviště.
Velmi doporučujeme výsev tohoto exempláře do volné půdy v ČR.
( English version )
Yucca faxoniana / cold hardy to -20°C / (-4F ) " The Giant White Dagger " – maximum height 6 m ( 18 ft )
This is a massive tree yucca that just like a few other types of yuccas also has sword-shaped leaves with fewer yellowish fibres. It is native to the areas of western Texas - USA around the Sierra Blanca region. It often branches once mature to form a massive tree with a trunk 50-70 cm ( 19.5 – 27.5 inches ) in diameter with a large bushy crown. Large groups of new rhizomes form at the base of the plant once mature. It has beautiful symmetrical rosettes of leaves. The leaves are 85 to 140 cm ( 33.5 – 55 inches ) long, 5 to 7.5 cm ( 2 – 3 inches ) wide with pale green to bluish-green coloured leaves, with many brown to grey threads along the leaf margin. Yucca faxoniana is a very cold hardy and tolerant species. Like all yuccas, it requires direct sun, excellent drainage and a dry habitat. It should be preferably planted on the south side of the garden in a rock garden or (rockery). They love being planted by nearby rocks and stones because they get heated up by the sun, thus giving the roots of the plant a lot of necessary heat during the growing season.
Yuccas and agaves should ALWAYS be planted at least 20-30 cm ( 8 – 12 inches ) above the surrounding soil so that excess water flows away from the plant's trunk base and doesn’t remain around the root system, otherwise the roots and the trunk could start to rot.
We highly recommend planting this specimen in the ground.